• Root/
  • Linux/
  • Package managers/
  • YUM
  • Package manager of RHEL, centOS

    ❗ When advised by distribution maintainers, DNF should be preferred - it was created as an upgrade of YUM.

    Documentation: RHEL docs on YUM

    Description Command Notes
    Show help yum
    Checking for new updates yum check-update This command should be safe - reported failures might be temporary.
    Installing ALL updates yum update
    Installing updates to versions containing latest security updates yum update-minimal --security
    Installing updates (security-related packages) yum update --security
    Installing updates (specific package) yum update package_name
    Searching for package (by names and summaries) yum search KEYWORD
    Searching for package (by descriptions and URLs) yum search all KEYWORD
    Displaying information about package yum info PACKAGE_NAME
    Installing new package yum install PACKAGE_NAME
    Removing package yum remove PACKAGE_NAME YUM cannot remove packages without removing packages that depend on it - it's possible using RPM but unrecommended (will likely break system or at least some packages)
    Listing packages (installed and available, matching expression) yum list [EXPR]
    Listing installed packages yum list installed [EXPR]
    Listing available packages yum list available [EXPR]
    Listing ALL packages (installed and available) yum list all

    Last update: 2024-06-16