systemd is a system and service manager
Executing service management commands without understanding consequences will break installation.
Shows list of units
Shows status of specific unit
systemctl status UNIT_NAME
Starts specific unit
sudo systemctl start UNIT_NAME
Unit will not start on boot unless enabled; inspect status of services and timers via systemctl status. -
Restarts specific unit
sudo systemctl restart UNIT_NAME
Stops specific unit
sudo systemctl stop UNIT_NAME
Reloads specific unit (updates used configuration, if supported)
sudo systemctl reload UNIT_NAME
Enables specific unit
sudo systemctl enable UNIT_NAME
Disables specific unit
sudo systemctl disable UNIT_NAME
Reloads systemd manager configuration
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
systemd allows for user-level services (managed via --user
modifier). Note that user
services will only run when there's user session; session lingering is available via
sudo loginctl enable-linger
although to
make systemctl --user to be available, following should be appended to .bashrc:
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$UID"
Such services operate not from from
but from
Shows systemd logs
Shows logs of the systemd service/timer
journalctl -u UNIT_NAME.service
-f switch allow to continue to follow logs of service/timer -
Shows logs of specific service for specific time period
journalctl -u UNIT_NAME.service -S 'since' -U 'until'
Instructions how to add custom systemd service
Create file
[Unit] StartLimitIntervalSec=0 StartLimitBurst=5 Wants=SERVICE_NAME.timer [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=1 User=USER Group=GROUP ExecStart=/bin/bash PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE [Install]
Enable service and start it via
sudo systemctl enable --now SERVICE_NAME.service
Instructions how to make custom systemd service run on specified schedule (modern alternative to CRON
External sources:
Create file
[Unit] Description=Run foo weekly Requires=SERVICE_NAME.service [Timer] Unit=SERVICE_NAME.service OnCalendar=weekly Persistent=true [Install]
OnCalendar - every minute is
*-*-* *:*:00
, usesystemd-analyze calendar "query"
to check -
Enable and start timer via
sudo systemctl enable --now SERVICE_NAME.timer
This will run service out-of-schedule once, immediately.